Free Market Road Show 2012

Europe at a Turning Point: Europe on the Road to Serfdom?

Friday, May 25th 2012

Best Western Premier Hotel Slon, Slovenska cesta 34, Ljubljana, Slovenia


“’Emergencies’ have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded” – F.A.v Hayek

We are on the brink of a collapse of the European (welfare) system. As a response most European countries have chosen to turn to a road to serfdom with even more interventions and an increased role for governments. In addition the European economic government and European financial authorities become political reality and gain support without dissent. We are facing one of the most severe crises in history – but most politicians still use methods of resolution of the last millennium. Will those measure up to the current and future challenges? If we keep using outdated concepts will Hayek be right?

“It is a revealing fact that few planners are content to say that central planning is desirable. Most of them affirm that we can no longer choose but are compelled by circumstances beyond our control to substitute planning for competition.” ― F. A. von Hayek, The Road to Serfdom


13:30 – 14:00 Registration


14:00 – 14:15 Welcome and Introduction

          Mag. Tanja Štumberger, Svetilnik, Slovenia

          Mag. Christian Miller, Austrian Embassy in Slovenia


14:15 – 15:30 PANEL 1: Individualism vs. Collectivism: How much government can we afford?

We are in the middle of a public debt crisis of historical proportion and for most politicians the solution is more of the same – which means for them: more government intervention and government spending. However the most important question is often avoided: What are the reasons for the crisis - free markets or government intervention? Are our current (welfare) systems the cure or the cause for the crisis? Should governments take care of us or should we finally start taking care of ourselves? Is a paradigm shift realistic? The reasons for the current crisis and it’s implications for the next generation in the light of recent European policies will be discussed.

Chair:         Dr. Jure Stojan, Svetilnik, Slovenia

Key note:   Dr. Erich Weede, University of Bonn, Germany

Podium:     Dr. Klaus Emmerich, Austria

                   Dr. Maja Drakić, University of Donja Gorica, Montenegro

                   Dr. Lorant Racz, Collegium-Liberale, Austria

15:30 – 16:00 Break


16:00 – 17:15 PANEL 2: Harmonization vs. Competition: What brings us back on track on the road to growth?

As a result of the current public debt crisis, especially in Europe, many politicians and so-called experts view further harmonization on a European level as solution for the skyrocketing public debts. However, isn’t diversity one of the key preconditions for our prosperity? What would be the consequences of a European Central Government? Apart from the recently discussed EU policies and their consequences, new and innovative solutions for the crisis will be discussed.

Chair:      Mag. Jure Baloh, Svetilnik, Slovenia

Keynote: Dr. Razeen Sally, University of Singapore, Singapore

Podium:  Dr. Anže Burger, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia

                Dr. Edward Stringham, Fayetteville State University, USA

                Dr. Richard Durana, INESS, Slovakia

17:15 – 17:45 Break


17:45 – 19:00 PANEL 3: Euro vs. Sound money: How will Europe’s currency look like in the future?

WiIl the Euro survive? Is it a precondition for a European identity and means of organizing a common market – or simply an instrument of exchange? Is the Euro an engine for integration or is it a potential cause for further conflicts and therefore dividing the European Union? Are there alternatives to the Euro and if so, what are the preconditions to avoid recent impairments? This panel will focus on any alternatives to fractional reserve, e.g. a necessity to return to gold standard and on the issue of currencies.

Chair:       Mag. Tanja Štumberger, Svetilnik, Slovenia

Key note: Dr. Charles B. Blankart, University of Luzern, Switzerland

Podium:   Dr. Keith Miles, British Slovene Society, Great Britain/Slovenia

                 Dr. Jure Stojan, Daily Večer, Slovenia

                 Dr. Richard Otto Zundritsch, Added Value, Austria

                 Dr. Reinhard Neck, University of Klagenfurt, Austria

The conference was free of charge due to generosity of our sponsors. Thank you!

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