Prebudi podjetnika v sebi
30. maj 2013; od 12:30 do 13:30Dvorana Iris, Grand Hotel Union, Miklošičeva 1, Ljubljana
Sanjate o uspehu v podjetniških vodah? Imate podjetniško žilico, a veste, da to ni dovolj za preboj v močni konkurenci na trgu. Za nasvet o tem, kako čim uspešneje izstreliti svojo podjetniško zvezdo, smo organizirali delavnico z Johnom Chisholmom, enim od panelistov 2013 Free Market Road Show Ljubljana. Delavnica je potekala v angleškem jeziku in je bila predvsem namenjena mladim podjetnikom in podjetniškim dušam. Delavnico smo organiziramo v sodelovanju z European Students for Liberty (ESFL).
John Chisholm has three decades of experience as entrepreneur, CEO, and investor. In 1997 he founded and served as CEO/Chairman of CustomerSat (now part of Confirmit), a leading provider in enterprise feedback management. A pioneer in online marketing research, he earlier founded and served as CEO/Chairman of Decisive Technology (now part of Google), publisher of the first desktop and client-server software for online surveys. Earlier he worked at GE, HP, and Xerox. He is a member of the Development Committee of the MIT Corporation (board of trustees), and a trustee of the Santa Fe Institute and of the Seasteading Institute. He holds BS & MS degrees in Electrical Engineering & Computer Science from MIT and an MBA from Harvard Business School.