Liberty Seminars 2012
Na dveh enotedenskih mednarodnih izobraževalnih seminarjih ("Liberty Camp" in "Liberty Academy"), ki sta bila organizirana že peto leto zapovrstjo, se je 53 udeležencev iz celega sveta poglobilo v zgodovinske, ekonomske, pravne in politološke temelje liberalnih idej ter jih nato apliciralo na aktualna vprašanja.
Edinstvenost Seminarjev svobode (Liberty Seminars) je tako v mednarodno raznoliki zasedbi udeležencev in predavateljev kot v interdisciplinarnarnem in aktivnem pristopu obravnavanih tematik v sklopu diskusij, razprav in predstavitev udeležencev.
Seminarja ne ponujata samo "intelektualno hrano" za zvezdave posameznike, temveč tudi prijetno druženje udeležencev in predavateljev ob ogledu slapa Savice in Blejskega gradu, veslanjem po Bohinjskem jezeru, ogledi filmov in druženjem ob tabornem ognju v večernih urah.
Rok za prijave se je iztekel 1. julija 2012, ko je Svetilnik ponudil 80 razpoložljivih mest udeležencem iz 29 držav (glej graf).
Spletna stran LIBERTY SEMINARS tukaj.
Med predavatelji so leta 2012 bili naslednji svetovno priznani strokovnjaki:
dr. Doug Bandow (ZDA),
Bob Chitester (ZDA),
dr. Dan Mitchell (ZDA),
dr. Adam Martin (VB),
dr. Tom G. Palmer (ZDA),
dr. Larry Reed (ZDA)
mag. Tanja Štumberger (Slovenija) in
dr. Katarina Zajc (Slovenija).
Kako se predavatelji Liberty Seminars 2012 spominjajo dogodka
"The Liberty Seminars are quality events. Everything is smoothly organized, allowing scholars and students to pack a lot of learning into a relatively short period of time - yet still allowing some amazing sightseeing and fun in a beautiful part of the world. There's also a great sense of camaraderie, with people from all over Europe joining together to discuss the ideas and ideals of a free society. I hope to return over and over again."
-- Dr. Daniel J. Mitchell, Senior Fellow, Cato Institute
“Tanja and her team deserve our thanks and praise for assembling so many young people in a perfect setting to explore liberty from many angles. The energy and passion of the attendees were apparent from start to finish. I know from talking to many of them that they were eager to put what they learned to good use. Ten, twenty and thirty years from now when they are making history as men and women of influence, they will be telling stories about what a boost it was to be at a Liberty Seminar. Thanks to the thoughtful and generous donors whose investments in this event will be paying dividends for decades to come.”
-- Dr. Lawrence W. Reed, President, Foundation for Economic Education
"The Liberty Seminars combine fun, scholarship, inquiry, and fellowship. The participants from across Europe (and occasionally from further afield) who have taken part are already changing the world for the better. These seminars attract smart, motivated, and energetic young people who care about liberty, about justice, about peace, and about the future. And what better place than beautiful Slovenia for them to meet?"
-- Dr. Tom G. Palmer, Executive Vice President for International Programs, Atlas Economic Research Foundation
"The Liberty Seminars are a chance to dive deeply into some of the most profound, important, and stimulating ideas in the world. The participants are smart and passionate, the discussions and debates are lively and robust, and the setting is breathtaking. Tanja and her team have put together a top knotch, intensive learning experience that equips attendees with the mental tools to ask a vital question: "how can free people live better together?""
-- Dr. Adam Martin, Professor, King's College London, UK